“I’m so excited that the customers are thrilled to have us here,” said store manager Julie Reisinger, a former Los Gatos resident. 191 was opened earlier the same evening in Louisville, Ky. The Los Gatos store is the 192nd opened by the company store No. “It’s way better than the other one and it looks so much cooler.” “It’s awesome,” said 10-year-old Maxwell McKenna. The store is the first in the area to carry the recently unveiled smaller version of the iPod Nano, and many of the people in line could not wait to try it out. This is the kind of service our people want.” “This is a pretty exciting day for Los Gatos, and the energy of the people is electric,” said Mayor Joe Pirzynski. Those waiting to get in jammed on their iPods, typed away on their Macs, took pictures with their iPhones and compared Apple products with their neighbors.
Each person also received a free T-shirt – a tradition at all store openings – for their patience in waiting in line.

Once inside, shoppers were cheered and given high-fives by Apple employees. Riley and his family drove 2 1/2 hours from the Monterey Peninsula for the grand opening, and he said he couldn’t wait to get inside and see what the store had to offer. It was a festive atmosphere all around and 10-year-old Riley Goucher joined right in, dressed in his Halloween costume – an iPod. In fact, Nagakura, who was also the first person to purchase the new iPod Nano at the Los Gatos store, enjoyed it so much that when he came out he got back at the end of the line to do it all over again.